Why Do Clients Choose us
Our firm has over 25 years of combined legal practice – handling some of the toughest cases in the country. Get a risk free consultation today.
Other Areas
- Harassment
- Stalking
- Unlawful Restraint
- False Imprisonment
- Rape
- Statutory Sexual Assault
- Aggravated Indecent Assault
- Indecent Exposure
- Arson
- Criminal Mischief
- Burglary
- Criminal Trespass
- Theft by deception
- Theft by extortion
- Retail Theft
- Endangering Welfare of a Child
- Drug Paraphernalia
- Personal Injury
recent case results
Poss. w/ Intent Philadelphia 1/13/17
Poss w. Intent Philadelphia 1/13/2017
Simple Assault Bucks 1/6/17
2nd DUI Montgomery 12/2016
Indecent Assault Philadelphia 12/2016
Forgery Bucks County 12/2016
3rd DUI Montgomery 12/2016
5 Days Jail
Firearm Carried W/O License Montgomery 12/2016
Expungment is the removal of the record of an arrest from your criminal record. If you were arrested but never convicted you probably do not have a criminal record but you do have an arrest record. Both a criminal record and an arrest record appear on background check.
Most employers, lending institutions, and government agencies perform background checks on potential employees or customers. Criminal and/or arrest records appearing on the background check will negatively effect your ability to obtain employment, financing, and government assistance.
In Pennsylvania, you may have the charges against you expunged in the following situations:
- you were found “not guilty” at trial;
- your charges were dropped or dismissed by the prosecution;
- you successfully completed an ARD program;
- you committed a summary offense 5 years have elapse with no other offenses;
- you are over the age of 70 and have been not been arrested for the last 10 years;
- you are dead and have been for 3 years;
- you have arrest occurred while you were a juvenile;
Expungment of your criminal and arrest record will open up oppurtunities in your life. Your employment options will multiply and you will be permitted to test for and obtain professional licenses and certifications. You will be eligible for student loans and governmental assistance programs. Your rights to possess a firearm will be restored. Priveldges such as hunting licenses and fishing licesnses will be available to you.
Our Location

1518 Walnut Street
Suite 807
Philadelphia, PA 19102

8510 Bustleton Ave,
1st Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19152

33 E. Marshall Street
First Floor
Norristown, PA 19401

2 Park Lane Suite
Suite 107
Feasterville PA 19053

1518 Walnut Street
Ste 808
Philadelphia, PA 19102