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Our firm has over 25 years of combined legal practice – handling some of the toughest cases in the country. Get a risk free consultation today.
Other Areas
- Harassment
- Stalking
- Unlawful Restraint
- False Imprisonment
- Rape
- Statutory Sexual Assault
- Aggravated Indecent Assault
- Indecent Exposure
- Arson
- Criminal Mischief
- Burglary
- Criminal Trespass
- Theft by deception
- Theft by extortion
- Retail Theft
- Endangering Welfare of a Child
- Drug Paraphernalia
- Personal Injury
recent case results
Poss. w/ Intent Philadelphia 1/13/17
Poss w. Intent Philadelphia 1/13/2017
Simple Assault Bucks 1/6/17
2nd DUI Montgomery 12/2016
Indecent Assault Philadelphia 12/2016
Forgery Bucks County 12/2016
3rd DUI Montgomery 12/2016
5 Days Jail
Firearm Carried W/O License Montgomery 12/2016
Case Results
PFA CASE PHILADELPHIA – ***** v. To**** (Philadelphia – PFA) – Attorney Kotik gets PFA dismissed for client in Philadelphia Family Court.
CASE RESULTS FROM 8/23/2017 to 10/5/2017
Commonwealth v. Hern***** (Bucks County – RAPE CASE) – After a successful motion at the preliminary hearing, Attorney Kotik gets judge to dismiss the following charges: Rape Forcible Compulsion, IDSI Forcible Compulsion, Simple Assault, Indecent Assault Forcible Compulsion, Sexual Assault, and other related charges.
Commonwealth v. Ast****** (Montgomery County – DUI case) – After a successful preliminary hearing judge dismisses highest tier DUI charge.
Commonwealth v. Dem*** (Montgomery County – Criminal Mischief/Harassment) All charges dismissed in Montgomery County. Case regarding two witnesses and charges of Criminal Mischief and Harassment.
Commonwealth v. Sain*** (Bucks County, Pennsylvania – Felony Forgery Case) – After a successful preliminary hearing, attorney Michael Kotik, Esq., gets judge to dismiss all charges (Forgery, Publ, Make, See, Etc Access Device Altered, Etc, Access Device Is Counterfeit, Altered, Incomplete, Other Reason Access Device Is Unauth By Issuer, Theft Property Lost Etc By Mistake, Posses Access Device Knowing Counterfeit, Altered, and Theft By Decep-False Impression.
Commonwealth v. Ha** (Montgomery County, Pennsylvania) – Attorney Kotik gets Recklessly Endangering Another Person, Use/Poss of Drug Paraph, and Purch Etc., Alchoh Bev By A Minor, dismissed at a DUI preliminary hearing.
CASE RESULTS FROM 6/12/2017 to 8/22/2017
Commonwealth v. Pres**** (Bucks County, Pennsylvania) – Makes Any Materially False Oral Statement) – Felony charge with withdrawn by Commonwealth, through Attorney Michael Kotik.
Commonwealth v. Flet***** (Montgomery County Identity Fraud Cases) – Attorney Michael Kotiks prosecution to withdraw all felony charges. Charges included (Felony Access Device is Counterfeit…, Access Device Issd to Another Who Did Not Auth Use, and Other Reason Access Device is Unauth By Issuer). Client avoids jail sentence. Case resulted in misdemeanor charges only.
Commonwealth v. Fenn*** (Montgomery County Case) – Attorney Michael Kotik gets prosecution to withdraw all criminal charges in a domestic violence case. Client avoids criminal conviction pleads to summary offenses.
Commonwealth v. Sain*** (Bucks County 1543b Case; Driving Under DUI suspension) – Attorney Kotik, helps client avoid 90 days max jail sentence, by having working out his case with the Commonwealth.
Commonwealth v. Re** (Philadelphia 1543b Case; Driving Under DUI suspension) – Attorney Kotik gets charges withdrawn after a successful Double Jeopardy Argument.
CASE RESULTS FROM 3/21/2017 to 6/11/2017
Commonwealth v. P****** (Delaware County) – Attorney Kotik, makes the news: http://www.delcotimes.com/article/DC/20170605/NEWS/170609804
Commonwealth v. Park*** (Montgomery County) – Attorney Michael Kotik, gets Hit and Run criminal charges dismissed at Preliminary Hearing.
Commonwealth v. Ar**** (Bucks County – Marijuana Plant Case) – Attorney Michael Kotik gets client probation on growth of Marijuana case. Case originally should have resulted in a felony.
State of New Jersey v. Be*** & State of New Jersey v. Ak**** (Middlesex County Superior Court) – Client’s charged with various charges relating to weapons in a public park, are approved for PTI program in New Jersey, where upon completion their charges will be dismissed.
Commonwealth v. Bo**** (Montgomery County – Possession With Intent) – Attorney Michael Kotik, gets Felony Possession w/ Intent to deliver controlled substance dropped at the Court of Common Pleas in Montgomery County.
Commonwealth v. Gla**** (Montgomery County – Endangering Welfare of Children) – Attorney Kotik gets Felony Endangering Welfare of Children charge dropped, at the higher court in Norristown, Pennsylvania.
Commonwealth v. P*** (Delaware County – Theft Case / Preliminary Hearing) – Attorney Kotik Gets Felony Theft and Receiving Stolen Property charges dismissed t Preliminary Hearing.
Commonwealth v. Tor*** (Dauphin County – Possession with Intent to Deliver Case) – Attorney Kotik gets Possession with Intent charge withdrawn at preliminary hearing.
Commonwealth v. Pin*** (Montgomery Burglary Case – Preliminary Hearing) – Attorney Kotik gets F1 Burglary and Felony Criminal Trespass dismissed at the preliminary hearing. Client’s case moves forward to higher court without felonies.
CASE RESULTS FROM 1/16/2017 to 3/19/2017
Commonwealth v. De**** (Bucks / DUI CASE) – DUI (2nd Offense) Case Dismissed after a successful preliminary hearing were the Commonwealth was unable to make a prima facie case.
Commonwealth v. Gou**** (Bucks / DUI CASE) – DUI (3rd Offense / Highest Tier) Case Dismissed after a successful preliminary hearing were the Commonwealth was unable to make a prima facie case.
Commonwealth v. Ch**** (Bucks / Probation Detainer) – Attorney Kotik, gets Judge to issue bail on detainer, allowing client to be released from prison.
Commonwealth v. Du**** (Montgomery County / Assault) – Attorney Kotik gets assault case dismissed at preliminary hearing in Montgomery County (Pottstown).
Commonwealth v. B**** (Philadelphia / Assault Case) – Domestic Violence case, Terroristic Threats charge Not Guilty.
Commonwealth v. P*** (Delaware County / Stolen Car) – Felony Receiving stolen property and theft of motor vehicle charges dismissed. Client pleads to a summary offense disorderly conduct.
Montgomery County Theft/ Burglary Case – Client’s Felony Burglary, Criminal Trespass, and Theft charges dismissed at court of Common Pleas.
State of New Jersey v. Sni**** – Harassment case completely dismissed.
Commonwealth v. Lic****** (Montgomery County / Assault Case) – Simple Assault, Terroristic Threats, Recklessly Endangering, and possession of an Instrument of crime charges dismissed at preliminary hearing.
Commonwealth v. Veg** (Chester County / Gun Purchasing Case) – Felony False statements regarding purchasing of firearm charge dismissed.
Chester County Felony Theft Case – Attorney Kotik gets client’s charges reduced from a Felony (Theft), and Misdemeanor (Receiving Stolen Property) to a summary offense.
Commonwealth v. Riv**** (Bucks County / Possession Case) – Marijuana Possession Charge withdrawn at Preliminary Hearing in Bucks County, Pennsylvania (Bensalem).
Commonwealth v. Ra*** (Philadelphia / Drug Case) – Possession with Intent to Deliver, along with other related charges dismissed, by way of Attorney Amato Sanita.
CASE RESULTS FROM 11/23/2016 to 1/16/2017
Commonwealth v. R*** & Lub***(Philadelphia, Possession w/ Intent Case) – Case involving over $1 Million Dollars’ worth of drugs, all charges dismissed at preliminary hearing.
Commonwealth v. Kul**** (Bucks County, Simple Assault) – Simple Assault Charge Dropped, client walks away with summary offenses.
Commonwealth v. Pu**** (Montgomery County / 2nd Offense DUI) – Client avoids incarceration on 2nd offense DUI, after Attorney Kotik was able to successful argue for house arrest.
Commonwealth v. Da****** (Philadelphia / Indec Asslt-W/O Cons Of Other) – Attorney Amato Sanita, gets NOT GUILTY on all charges in an Indecent assault case. Prior to trial, Kidnapping of Minor an, False Imprisonment of Minor/Not Parent, Simple Assault, and Unlawful Restraint were dismissed for lack of evidence.
State of New Jersey v. And*** (Montgomery County / DUI w/ Aggravated Assault By Vehicle) – Attorney Michael Kotik gets Aggravated Assault By Vehicle While Dui, DUI: High Rte of Alc (Bac.10 – .16) 1st Off, and 5 counts of Recklessly Endangering Another Person dismissed.
State of New Jersey v. Ston**** (Mercer County / Aggravated Assault Case) – With an extensive amount of mitigation and pre-trial prep, client avoids jail time on a felony 3rd degree aggravated assault case, with a prior record.
Commonwealth v. Du**** (Bucks County / Credit Card Charges) – Posses Access Device Knowing Counterfeit, Altered, Other Reason Access Device Is Unauth By Issuer, reduced to lowest misdemeanor disorderly conduct. Client avoids possible jail and long term probation.
Commonwealth v. Dave***** (Bucks County / Impersonating A Public Servant) – False Imprisonment, Impersonating A Public Servant, Off’l Oppression-Arrest Search Etc reduced to disorderly conduct charges. Client avoids possible jail and long term probation.
Commonwealth v. En*** (Montgomery County / Gun Case) – Firearm Not To Be Carried W/O License-No Crim Viol, amended to summary offense, which is expungable after 5 years. Basically, misdemeanor reduced to a summary offense.
Commonwealth v. Torres (Bucks County / Forgery) – Forgery Misdemeanor charge withdrawn.
Commonwealth v. Schu*** (Bucks County Possession with Intent to Deliver Case) – Lawyer Michael Kotik gets Commonwealth to withdraw charges of Manufacture, Delivery, or Possession With Intent to Manufacture or Deliver, client heads to court of common pleas on misdemeanors.
CASE RESULTS FROM 9/3/2016 to 11/23/2016
Commonwealth v. Cla*** (Delaware County Aggravated Assault on Police Officers) – Lawyer Michael Kotik gets client into the ARD program (program were all his charges will be dismissed after successful completion) after client was charged with aggravated assault on several police officer in Delaware county.
Commonwealth v. Ann*** (Chester County Simple Assault Case) – Lawyer Michael Kotik, gets judge to dismiss all charges (simple assault, harassment, and disorderly conduct) after winning the preliminary hearing for his client.
State of New Jersey v. Sch**** (Counterfeit/Forgery Case) – Lawyer Michael Kotik gets clients Conterfeit/Forgery charge dropped, in Cherry Hill New Jersey.
Commonwealth v. Sin**** (Philadelphia Aggravated Assault Case) – NOT GUILTY on all charges on an Aggravated Assault , Simple Assault, and other related charges case.
Commonwealth v. Pit*** (Theft Case Montgomery County) – Attorney Michael Kotik, gets prosecution to withdraw all charges (Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop and Receiving Stolen Property).
Commonwealth v. Pol*** (3rd DUI OFFENSE) / Montgomery County) – Attorney client helps client avoid 1 to 5 years in prison on a 3rd offense DUI. Sentence reduced to 5 days. Due to new Birchfield case law.
Commonwealth v. River* (Endanger Welfare of Child / DUI Bucks County) – Attorney Michael Kotik gets Endangering Welfare of Children charges dismissed at preliminary hearing in Bucks County.
CASE RESULTS 8/1/2016 to 9/3/2016
Commonwealth v. Dum*** (Bucks County Credit Card Case) – Attorney Michael Kotik, Esq. gets Prosecution to withdraw Access Device Fraud charge at the preliminary hearing.
Commonwealth v. Ryt*** (Bucks County Human Trafficking Case) – Attorney Michael Kotik, Esq., makes the news again. http://www.buckscountycouriertimes.com/news/crime/couple-sent-to-state-prison-for-morrisville-warminster-prostitution-business/article_e3d018d5-84a7-567a-8d17-91b205895132.html
State of New Jersey v. Ka**** (Ventor Municipal Court / New Jersey – Curfew Violations) – Attorney Michael Kotik, Esq., gets Curfew Violations discharged, after showing that state police improperly filed the wrong charge.
Commonwealth v. Du**** (Montgomery County Forgery/Theft Case) – Attorney Michael Kotik, Esq. conveniences Commonwealth to withdraw the following charges Identity Theft, Forgery – Unauthorized Act In Writing, and Theft By Decep-False Impression. – Michael Kotik, Esq.
Commonwealth v. Jo**** (Montgomery County Drug Case) – After preliminary hearing the district judge dismissed poss of Marijuana charge. – Michael Kotik, Esq.
Commonwealth v. Sto**** (Montgomery County Gun Case) – After preliminary hearing the district judge dismissed an F2 Receiving Stolen Property, relating to a firearm. – Michael Kotik, Esq.
Commonwealth v. By*** (Bucks County ARD Revocation Hearing) – Attorney Michael Kotik, Esq. gets client back into the ARD program, after client failed to complete certain tasks resulting in the Commonwealth motioning the court for removal from the program.
Commonwealth v. Ki**** (Montgomery County Drug Case) – Attorney Michael Kotik, Esq. gets prosecution to withdraw Delivery /Intent to Del Drug Paraphernalia at the preliminary hearing.
CASE RESULTS 3/11/2016 to 4/21/2016
Commonwealth v. Blak* (Philadelphia Aggravated Assault Case) – Aggravated Assault charges dismissed at the preliminary hearing in Philadelphia Juv. Court. – Attorney Amato Sanita, Esq.
PFA Philadelphia – PFA Dismissed in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – Amato Sanita, Esq.
Commonwealth v. Whit*** (Bucks County Theft and Receiving Stolen Property Case) – All charges dismissed at the preliminary hearing.
Commonwealth v. Smith (Philadelphia DUI and Felony Fleeing Charges) – Attorney Amato Sanita, gets Felony Fleeing charges dismissed at preliminary hearing.
Commonwealth v. Liu******** (Philadelphia Aggravated and Simple Assault Case) – Attorney Amato Sanita gets a NOT GUILTY for a client charged with Aggravated Assault involving a stabbing.
Commonwealth v. Smith (Philadelphia Drug and Gun Case) – All charges withdrawn on Juv. Gun and Drug Case in Philadelphia; Attorney Michael Kotik, Esq.
Commonwealth v. Colem*** (Philadelphia Rule 600) – Attorney Kotik rule 600 motion granted for a client in Philadelphia.
Commonwealth v. Low** (Montgomery County / Drug DUI Case) – Attorney Kotik, gets Drug related DUI charges to be dismissed at the preliminary hearing.
State of New Jersey v. Hop* (New Jersey DUI / Drug Case) – Not Guilty on Drug Possession in Bedmister, New Jersey – Attorney Michael Kotik, Esq.
Commonwealth v. Naw*** (Bucks Bench Warrant Case / ARD Termination Case): Michael Kotik, Esq. gets client’s bench warrant lifted and gets him reinstated into the ARD program.
Commonwealth v. Aroc** ( Delaware County Case): Attorney Kotik, gets Commonwealth to withdraw Terroristic Treat charge at the preliminary hearing.
Commonwealth v. Royl** (Montgomery Drug Case): Attorney Kotik wins at Preliminary Hearing, on a parahpanial charge after Commonwealth was unable to show a prima facie case against his client.
Commonwealth v. Tav*** (Philadelphia Gun Case): Attorney Sanita, gets a NOT GUILTY for client by going to trial on a gun case in Philadelphia. Client found NOT GUILTY on all gun charges.
Commonwealth v. Bak*** (Philadelphia Violation of Probation): Attorney Kotik gets client out of jail, who was detained on a violation of probation for a new case (possession with intent to deliver).
State of New Jersey v. Glaz**** (Endangering the Welfare of Children): Attorney Kotik helps client avoid three years of jail.
Commonwealth v. Pav*** (Violation of PFA Case): Attorney Kotik gets Commonwealth to withdraw contempt charges relating to a Violation of a PFA.
Commonwealth v. My*** (Motion to Reconsider Commonwealth): Attorney Kotik gets’ DA’s motion to reconsider DENIED, on a State Prisoner’s Case.
Commonwealth v. Mam********* (Simple Assault Case in Bucks County): Attorney Michael Kotik gets Commonwealth to reduce Simple Assault charge to summary offense, in a domestic violence case.
Commonwealth v. My*** (Motion to Amend Min. Date): Attorney Kotik gets motion granted for State Prisoner looking to go home early, by changing his min. date.
CASE RESULTS 12/12/2016 to 12/31/2015
Commonwealth v. Garrett (Violation of Probation Montgomery County): Attorney Michael Kotik gets client reduced sentenced on a violation of probation in Montgomery County.
Commonwealth v. Kel*** (Drug Case in Montgomery County): Attorney Kotik, gets client probation on a drug case involving the distribution of a high amount of narcotics.
Commonwealth v. Jackson (Bench Warrant / Delaware County): Attorney Michael Kotik gets bench warrant detainer lifted in Delaware County, so that client can leave prison from another county.
CASE RESULTS 12/6/2015 to 12/11/2015
State of New Jersey v. D**ia (Violation of Probation in Burlington New Jersey): Attorney Michael Kotik, Esq. gets client a reduced violation of probation sentence, state recommended 364 days of incarceration, after argument client’s sentence was reduced almost 100 days.
Commonwealth v. Davis (Bucks County Hit and Run Case): Attorney Michael Kotik, Esq. at preliminary hearing gets possession charge and a charge related to a hit and run dismissed, in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.
CASE RESULTS: 11/23/2015 to 12/5/2015
Commonwealth v. Mitchelle (Nunc Pro Tunc Motion): Attorney Michael Kotik, Esq. wins Nunc Pro Tunc Motion, and client gets his appellate rights back, in Montgomery County.
Commonwealth v. Rosa*** (Warrant on Death by Delivery Case): Michael Kotik, Esq. gets client unsecured bail on death by delivery case in York County, Pennsylvania.
Commonwealth v. Alexander (Assault / Terroristic Threats Case): Attorney Michael Kotik, Esq. wins client’s case by getting a NOT GUILTY on all charges in a simple assault, terroristic threats, and reckless endangerment case in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
CASE RESULTS: 9/14/2015 to …
Commonwealth v. Smith (Juv. Philadelphia Case): Attorney Michael Kotik gets to Judge to release client from prison on a set down motion for a Philadelphia Gun & Drug Case.
Commonwealth v. Porter: Attorney Michael Kotik gets prosecution to withdraw Felony 2nd Degree Possession Of Firearm Prohibited, in Delaware County, Pennsylvania.
State of New Jersey v. Nay**: Michael Kotik, Esq., gets False Imprisonment and Harassment charges dismissed at Municipal Court in Avalon, New Jersey; client avoids a possible jail sentence.
CASE RESULTS: 9/5/2015 to 9/13/2015
Commonwealth v. Pec***: Attorney Michael Kotik, Esq., gets felony charges dropped at preliminary hearing in Delaware County; felony Receiving Stolen Property, Conspiracy – Receiving Stolen Property, and Conspiracy – Retail Theft-Take Mdse.
Commonwealth v. Fan*****: Attorney Michael Kotik, Esq. gets client section 17, after she was kicked out of ARD, in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. (Client will not have a record following successful completion of the program.
CASE RESULTS: 8/31/2015 to 9/4/2015
Commonwealth v. Davis : Attorney Amato T. Sanita partner at SKA Law Group LLC represented his client on September 2, 2015 before the Municipal Court in Philadelphia. In the case captioned Commonwealth v. Davis, Attorney Sanita obtained a not guilty after the Court found the alleged victims of an assault by gun not credible. With the use of eye witnesses and testimony from Mr. Davis, the case resulted in a “Not Guilty” on all charges. Mr. Davis is now eligible to have his record expunged and his gun license returned.
Commonwealth v. Ryt***: Attorney Michael Kotik, gets prosecution to withdraw a felony of first degree Involuntary Servitude, and felony of the first degree conspiracy to Involuntary Servitude; this was accomplished at preliminary hearing. Thereby, allowing clients to have a better overall result at the conclusion of their case.
United States v. Knight: Attorney Sanita and Attorney Pagano were able to secure the release of the accused and return him to his family pending further proceedings in the Federal Court located in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.
CASE RESULTS: 8/23/2015 to 8/30/2015
State of New Jersey v. Glaz****: Attorney Michael Kotik, Esq. gets client who was incarcerated in Montgomery County, and who had a detainer from Cape May, New Jersey, out of jail without an extradition hearing.
Commonwealth v. Wint***: Attorney Michael Kotik, Esq. gets PFA withdrawn for client in Philadelphia.
Commonwealth v. Gok***: Attorney Amato Sanita, gets probation violation detainer lifted for client, in Philadelphia.
Commonwealth v. McCurry: Attorney Kotik, gets theft charges dismissed in Delaware County, Pennsylvania at preliminary hearing. Client’s entire case resulted in a dismissal.
CASE RESULTS: 8/17/2015 to 8/22/2015
Commonwealth v. Austin: Delaware County Case, results in NOT GUILTY at trial, after Amato Sanita gets a not guilty for five counts of riots F3.
Commonwealth v. Parham: Philadelphia case involving drugs and guns 11 counts dismissed for lack of evidence at preliminary hearing.
Commonwealth v. Parham: Another Philadelphia case for the same client, where 5 gun charges all dismissed after preliminary hearing for lack of evidence.
Commonwealth v. Ahmed: Case involving guns and Assault charges, client is found NOT GUILTY after trial.
Commonwealth v. Guzman: Aggravated Assault charge dismissed after preliminary hearing for lack of evidence, by Amato Sanita, Esq.
Commonwealth v. Ortega: Aggravated Assault with a weapon, charges dismissed for lack of evidence.
Commonwealth v. Washington: Commonwealth attempts to appeal motion to suppress and loses! Pennsylvania Superior Court affirms Amato Sanita’s Argument and case is dismissed.
Commonwealth v. Rytsar: Bucks County case involving a source hearing. Attorney Michael Kotik, Esq. and Glenn Gilman are able to release clients from jail after a successful source hearing.
Commonwealth v. Brown: Philadelphia case, client fails to turn herself in for house arrest for almost a year. Attorney Kotik gets judge to allow her back onto house arrest.
1/27/2015 – (Reckless Endangering of Another Person | Bucks County, Pennsylvania) – Attorney Michael Kotik gets prosecution to withdraw Reckless Endangering of Another Person charge in Bucks County, in a high profile media case.
1/26/2015 – (Drug Case – Motion for Early Parole | Bucks County, Pennsylvania) – Attorney Michael Kotik gets client released from prison following a successful hearing. Client will now serve his remaining sentence on the weekends.
1/21/2015 – (Simple Assault | Carbone County, Pennsylvania) – Attorney Michael Kotik gets client charged with Simple Assault ARD.
1/12/2015 – (Harassment Charges | Trenton, New Jersey) – Attorney Michael Kotik gets Harassment charges for two co-defendants withdrawn by prosecution. Clients go home happy without any convictions.
1/8/2015 – (Violation of Probation / Detainer | Philadelphia) – Lawyer Michael Kotik gets a probation detainer lifted for client who was incarcerated at CFCF.
12/30/2014 – (Drug Case | Burlington, New Jersey – Lawyer Michael Kotik gets client a conditional discharge for drug charges in Burlington, New Jersey.
12/24/2014 – (Probation Violation | Bucks County, Pennsylvania) – Attorney Kotik, helps client avoid jail for a probation violation in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.
12/24/2014 – (DUI Case | Philadelphia) – Attorney Michael Kotik, Esq. gets vet in to the Vet-Program for a DUI case in Philadelphia. Upon successful completion client will not have a record.
12/17/2014 – (Drug Case | Bucks County) – Attorney Michael Kotik, Esq. gets prosecution to withdraw Use Of Communication Facility, Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph, Int Poss Contr Subst By Per Not Reg, Conspiracy – Manufacture, Delivery, or Possession, With Intent to Manufacture or Deliver, Conspiracy – Criminal Use Of Communication, Conspiracy – Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph, and Conspiracy – Int Poss Contr Subst By Per Not Reg., at preliminary hearing at District Court 07-1-12.
12/16/2014 – (Bail Reduction | Bucks County) – Attorney Michael Kotik, Esq. gets Common Pleas Judge in Bucks County, Pennsylvania to reduce bail from $1,000,000.00 at 10% to $50,000.00 at 10%. Client will now go home to his family, after being incarcerated for over 5 months.
12/16/2014 – (DUI – ARD | Bucks County, Pennsylvania) – Attorney Michael Kotik gets client into ARD for a first offense DUI with an extremely high BAC.
12/15/2014 – (Drug Case | Bucks County, Pennsylvania) – Attorney Kotik surrenders client who had an arrest warrant out for a huge drug case. Michael Kotik, Esq. does clients arraignment hearing, and gets him out on unsecured bail. Client goes home to his family, to fight his case from the outside.
12/11/2014 – (2nd Offense DUI | Bucks County, Pennsylvania) – Attorney Michael Kotik gets client house arrest on a second offense DUI.
12/9/2014 – (Expungement | Montgomery County, Pennsylvania) – Michael Kotik, Esq. gets client expungement motion granted on 4 separate cases.
12/2/2014 – (Reckless Endangering Another Person | Bucks County, Pennsylvania) – Attorney Michael Kotik, gets prosecution to nolle prose Reckless Endangering Charge at the trial level.
11/6/2014 – (Felony Theft Case | Montgomery County, Pennsylvania) – Attorney Kotik Clients gets into the ARD program in Montgomery County, prior to coming to the office client was looking at a felony and a possible jail sentence.
11/5/2014 – (Parole Violation Hearing | Bucks County, Pennsylvania) – Michael Kotik, Esq. gets client 30 days off his recommended sentence, even though client has several misconducts in the jail and missed his minimum parole date due to the alleged infractions.
11/5/2014 – (Bench Warrant Hearing | Bucks County, Pennsylvania) – Attorney Michael Kotik gets bench warrant lifted for client who missed his court date, and had a warrant out for his arrest.
- OCTOBER 2014
-à JULY 2014
6/20/2014 – (Summary Appeal | Bucks County) – Successful Appeal Negotiation in Bucks County. – Attorney Michael Kotik, Esq.
6/13/2014 (DUI | Montgomery County) – Client avoids jail on DUI in Montgomery County – Attorney Michael Kotik, Esq.
6/10/2014 (Drugs In Jail | Delaware County) – Attorney Michael Kotik, Esq. gets client charged with brining drugs into a prison, ARD. Upon successful completion all charges will be dismissed.
6/9/2014 (Hit & Run Case | Bucks County, Pennsylvania) – Michael Kotik Esq., gets State Trooper to withdraw Accident Involv Damage Attended Vehicle/Prop along with other citations in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Client pleads to no-point traffic offenses.
6/2/2014 – (Solicitation Prostitution | Philadelphia) – Lawyer Michael Kotik gets solicitation charges withdrawn for client in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
6/2/2014 – (Personal Injury | Montgomery County) – Attorney Michael Kotik settles personal injury case involving a serious motor vehicle accident for $90,000.00.
6/2/2014 – (Receiving Stolen Property/Drug Case | Montgomery County) – Attorney Michael Kotik gets Commonwealth to Nolle Prossed / Withdraw Conspiracy – Receiving Stolen Property, Manufacture, Delivery, or Possession With Intent to Manufacture or Deliver, Criminal Use Of Communication Facility and Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph; client ends up pleading to Receiving Stolen Property only, resulting in a probationary sentence.
5/29/2014 – (DUI | Bucks County, Pennsylvania) – Lawyer Michael Kotik gets CDL driver, charged with a Pennsylvania DUI into the ARD program, in Bucks County.
5/22/2014 – (Escape | Bucks County, Pennsylvania) – Michael Kotik gets client charged with Escaping Police Custody a time served sentence.
5/20/2014 – (Drugs in Prison | Delaware County, Pennsylvania) – Attorney Michael Kotik gets client charged with brining drugs into a State Prison into the ARD program. Upon successful completion client will not have a record.
5/15/2014 – (Attempted Rape | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) – Attorney Michael Kotik, Esq. gets Commonwealth to withdraw charges of Criminal Attempt – Rape Forcible Compulsion, Terroristic Threats W/ Int To Terrorize Another, Indec Asslt-W/O Cons Of Other, and False Imprisonment. Client goes home a free man!
5/14/2014 – (Drug Case / Possession With Intent | Bucks County, Pennsylvania) –Attorney Michael Kotik, get client charged with selling drugs, and who was looking at 3-6 years in state prison, house arrest, in an open plea. Client not only gets house arrest, but also gets a reduced sentence of 9-23 months.
5/12/2014 – (Medicare Fraud Case | Dauphin County, Pennsylvania) – Michael Kotik, Esq., protects client charged with Medicare Fraud and other related charges, from going to jail. Mr. Kotik also gets the Attorney General to drop over 100 + charges relating to Medicare Fraud.
5/5/2014 – (DUI | Montgomery County, Pennsylvania) – Attorney Michael Kotik, Esq., helps client with a prior record, and who was charged with a high tier DUI avoid jail. Client also avoids losing his license.
4/30/2014 – (DUI Car Accident | Winslow, New Jersey) – Attorney Michael Kotik, Esq., gets a NOT GUILTY for a client charged with a DUI in a car accident. Police officer failed to get client’s his consent when taking blood, thereby making the only real evidence they had against our client inadmissible.
4/30/2014 – (GAG I Probation Hearing | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) – Michael Kotik, Esq., gets client out of jail who was charged with a possession case, while on probation.
4/25/2014 – (Restraining Order | Gloucester County, New Jersey) – Attorney Michael Kotik gets restraining order
dismissed for client, who was facing possible immigration issues.
4/24/2014 – (Return of Property Motion | Bucks County, Pennsylvania) – Michael Kotik, Esq. gets client her Lexus SUV back that was seized as a result of drug charges.
4/24/2014 – (Violation of Probation | Bucks County, Pennsylvania) – Attorney Michael Kotik gets a reduced sentence with work release, for client facing jail time for violating his probation.
4/23/2014 – (Underage Drinking | Bucks County, Pennsylvania) – Attorney Michael Kotik gets client charges to be dismissed pending community service.
4/15/2014 – (Possession with Intent to Deliver | Bucks County, Pennsylvania) – Lawyer Michael Kotik gets Commonwealth to withdraw charges of Manufacture, Delivery, or Possession With Intent to Manufacture or Deliver, Int Poss Contr Subst By Per Not Reg, Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph, DUI: Gen Imp/Inc of Driving Safely – 1st Off, and two summary offenses.
4/8/2014 – (DUI Suspension | Montgomery County, Pennsylvania) – Attorney Michael Kotik prevents client from getting 60 days in jail, by having Commonwealth withdraw Driving while Suspended under DUI charge. Client avoids jail.
4/1/2014 – (Violation of Probation | Possession Case | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) – Attorney Kotik, gets client probation at the Criminal Justice Center, at sentencing for a violation of probation and an K & I charge. Client had prior record involving drugs.
4/1/2014 – (Bail Hearing | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) – Attorney Michael Kotik, gets client house arrest in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; client’s case is still pending.
3/27/2014 – (DUI Suspension | Montgomery County, Pennsylvania) – Attorney Michael Kotik gets client House Arrest instead of a jail sentence on appeal.
3/25/2014 – (Identity Theft | Montgomery County, Pennsylvania) – Attorney Michael Kotik gets client who was charged with over 36 charges, most of which were felonies (Theft By Decep-False Impression, Receiving Stolen Property, Identity Theft, Access Device Issd to Another …) into the ARD program. Upon successful completion client will have no record.
3/17/2014 – (Auto Accident Traffic Citation | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) – Lawyer Michael Kotik gets Judge to find client NOT GUILTY of a stop sign violation that resulted in an automobile accident.
3/14/2014 – (Violation of Probation | Bucks County, Pennsylvania) – Attorney Michael Kotik, gets client a time-served sentence for a violation of probation in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Client avoids additional jail time.
3/12/2014 – (Civil Case | Montgomery County, Pennsylvania) – Attorney Michael Kotik, gets civil case dismissed brought against client by Capital One.
3/11/2014 – (Criminal Case | Bucks County, Pennsylvania) – Michael Kotik, Esq., gets Felony Theft by Decep-False Impression (18 § 3922 §§ A1) charges dismissed for client in Bucks County, Pennsylvania at Preliminary Hearing.
3/10/2014 – (Criminal Case | Delaware County, Pennsylvania) – Attorney Michael Kotik gets client into the ARD program, after client was alleged to have brought drugs into a local Prison of Delaware County. If client completes the ARD program successfully, all of her charges will be dismissed.
3/3/2014 – (Criminal Case | Bucks County, Pennsylvania) – Michael Kotik, Esq., gets client into the ARD program, who was accused of leaving her children in a car. If client completes the ARD program successfully, all of her charges will be dismissed.
2/27/2014 – (Criminal Case | Bucks County, Pennsylvania) – Attorney Michael Kotik gets client 2 years probation on Endangering the Welfare of a Child charge. See Article in the Bucks County Courier Times: http://www.buckscountycouriertimes.com/news/crime/dad-admits-leaving–month-old-alone-in-car-at/article_e946f689-d9df-58ff-8afc-e13e5bb25ac1.html
1/24/2014 – (Criminal Case | Bucks County, Pennsylvania) – Attorney Michael Kotik gets client’s bail reduced from $200,000.00 to $75,000.00 in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Client charged with Possession with Intent to Deliver.
1/21/2014 ( Probation Violation | Bucks County, Pennsylvania) – Attorney Michael Kotik gets client out of jail after Bucks County Probation Office puts a detainer on Client, causing client to be incarcerated.
1/17/2014 (Detainer | Bucks County, Pennsylvania) – Attorney Michael Kotik gets client released from jail on a probation violation.
11/22/2013 – (Criminal Case | Involuntary Manslaughter ) – Attorney’s from the firm make the news again: http://thetimes-tribune.com/news/driver-sentenced-in-deadly-pileup-in-susquehanna-county-1.1589580
10/2013 – (Criminal Case | Bucks County, Pennsylvania) – Attorney Michael Kotik, Esq. gets man probation on a stalking charge, article in Phillyburbs.com: http://www.phillyburbs.com/00redesign/news/bensalem-man-admits-stalking–year-old/article_1535eef3-1847-5882-ae32-c59403ea1a22.html?mode=jqm
8/27/2013 – (Drug Case | Bucks County, Pennsylvania) –
8/23/2013 – (Domestic Violence | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) – Attorney Michael Kotik gets prosecution to withdraw all charges against client, including: Robbery-Inflict Serious Bodily Injury, Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop, Poss Instrument Of Crime W/Int, Simple Assault, Recklessly Endangering Another Person, Criminal Mischief, and Harassment – Comm. Lewd, Threatening, Etc. Language.
8/21/2013 – (Retail Theft & Controlled Substance Charges | Bucks County, Pennsylvania) – Michael Kotik Esq., gets client charged with Retail theft and several controlled substance charges, ARD.
8/15/2013 – (Indecent Assault | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) – Michael Kotik gets Commonwealth to withdraw Indecent Assault charge, and a Simple Assault charge. Client pleads to a summary Harassment, and receives No Further Penalty.
8/15/2013 – (Retail Theft | Bucks County, Pennsylvania) – Attorney Michael Kotik, Esq. gets judge to dismiss all charges for client, including Retail Theft and Harassment.
8/6/2013 – (Retail Theft | Bucks County, Pennsylvania) – Attorney Michael Kotik, Esq. gets client charged with two
7/16/2013 – (Retail Theft | Bucks County, Pennsylvania) – Michael Kotik, Esq. gets client charged originally with multiple Retail Theft charges probation.
7/15/2013 – (Identity Theft | Burlington County, New Jersey) – Attorney Michael Kotik gets prosecution to drop charges against client charged with Felony Identity Theft and other related charges; resulting in a plea for a petty disorderly persons charge.
7/3/2013 – SECTION 17 | Montgomery County, Pennsylvania) – Attorney Michael Kotik, Esq. gets client with a prior record admitted into the section 17 program, on drug charges.
6/19/2013 – PFA VIOLATION | Bucks County, Pennsylvania) – Attorney Michael Kotik, Esq. gets court to find client not in violation of a PFA.
6/14/2013 – (Expungement | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) – Attorney Michael Kotik, Esq., gets three expungements granted for client in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
6/10/2013 – Expungement | Bucks County, Pennsylvania) – Attorney Michael Kotik, Esq., gets expungement granted for Temple Student.
6/10/2013 – (Drug Case | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) – Attorney Michael Kotik gets Commonwealth to withdraw charges after successful motion to suppress.
5/22/2013 – (Bail Revocation | Montgomery County, Pennsylvania) – Lawyer Michael Kotik gets the Court to deny Commonwealth’s motion for a bail revocation on client.
5/17/2013 (DUI Case | Bucks County, Pennsylvania) – Michael Kotik gets client into the ARD program, client had a BAC level of .183.
5/16/2013 (Criminal Case | Howell, New Jersey) – Lawyer Michael Kotik gets Theft by Deception charge dismissed for client, who now goes home without a record.
5/15/2013 (Criminal Case | Millstone, New Jersey) – Michael Kotik gets charges dismissed in Millstone, New Jersey involving steep slope buffers.
5/4/2013 (Criminal Case | Lehigh County, Pennsylvania) – Lawyer Michael Kotik gets client ARD in a hit and run case.
5/3/2013 (Underage Drinking | Bucks County, Pennsylvania) – Attorney Michael Kotik gets client’s record expunged in an underage drinking case.
5/1/2013 (Civil Case | Montgomery County, Pennsylvania) – Michael Kotik wins Improper Venue Motion for Ambulance Company, case shipped out of Montgomery County.
4/24/2013 (Theft Case | Bucks County, Pennsylvania) – Attorney Michael Kotik, gets Felony charges changed to misdemeanor charges at the preliminary hearing.
4/24/2013 (Drug Case | Delaware County, Pennsylvania) – Lawyer Michael Kotik, gets Felony Int Poss Contr Subst By Per Not Reg withdrawn along with several summary charges; and bail reduced from a flat $200,000.00 to $10,000.00 at 10%, all at the preliminary hearing.
4/10/2013 (Drug Case | Montgomery County, Pennsylvania) – Michael Kotik, Esq. gets Felony Manufacture, Delivery, or Possession With Intent to Manufacture or Deliver; and Misdemeanor Conspiracy – Int Poss Contr Subst By Per Not Reg., withdrawn at preliminary hearing for client.
4/5/2013 (Bail | Bucks County, Pennsylvania) – Lawyer Michael Kotik gets client out of jail after a successful bail hearing in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.
4/2/2013 (DUI | Montgomery County, Pennsylvania) – Michael Kotik, Esq. gets client ARD for DUI in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.
3/27/2013 (Real Estate Zoning | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) – Lawyer Michael Kotik gets legalization of a duplex through the zoning board, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
3/27/2013 (Retail Theft | Montgomery County, Pennsylvania) – Michael Kotik, Esq. gets a court to find client Not Guilty of Retail Theft.
3/25/2013 (Retaliation Against Witness or Victim | Chester County, Pennsylvania) – Attorney Michael Kotik gets Commonwealth to withdraw Felony Retaliation Against Witness or Victim, along with several other misdemeanors.
3/18/2013 (Simple Assault | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) – Michael Kotik, Esq. gets Simple Assault, Recklessly Endangering Another Person, Conspiracy Simple Assault, Harassment – Comm. Lewd, Threatening, Etc. Language, and / Disorderly Conduct Engage In Fighting charges dismissed on two cases due to lack of prosecution by the Commonwealth.
3/1/2013 (Theft Case | Bucks County, Pennsylvania) – Lawyer Michael Kotik gets man accused of Retail Theft, and Receiving Stolen Property, No Further Penalty Sentence on an Open Plea in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.
2/25/2013 (Bail | Bucks County, Pennsylvania) – Michael Kotik gets man accused of Rape and other related charges, a bail reduction 50% less his original bail.
2/22/2013 (Bail | Bucks County, Pennsylvania) – Attorney Michael Kotik gets Judge to allow client on a probation violation detainer to be released from prison, upon posting a nominal bail.
2/21/2013 (Drug Case | Montgomery County, Pennsylvania) – Lawyer Michael Kotik gets prosecution to withdraw misdemeanor Use/Poss of Drug Paraph charge in Montgomery County at preliminary hearing.
2/21/2013 (Retail Theft | Bucks County, Pennsylvania) – Michael Kotik gets Commonwealth to dismiss Felony Receiving Stolen Property charge at preliminary hearing.
2/7/2013 (Probation Violation | Chester County, Pennsylvania) – Michael Kotik gets client who was incarcerated on 6th probation violation detainer out of jail, after a successful GAG II hearing.
2/4/2013 (Burglary Case | Bucks County, Pennsylvania) – Lawyer Michael Kotik gets Commonwealth to withdraw three (3) felony Burglary charges, four (4) felony Crim-Tres-Break Into Structure Charges, three (3) felony Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop, four (4) felony Receiving Stolen Property, and (3) misdemeanor Criminal Mischief – Damage Property charges.
1/30/2013 (Bench Warrant | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) – Attorney Michael Kotik lifts client’s bench warrant for failing to go to court. Client was also held in contempt and could have served 5-10 days in jail. Attorney Kotik was able to successfully persuade the court to not hold client in contempt. Thereby, not ruining client’s criminal record and avoiding a jail sentence for the client.
1/29/2013 (Vehicular Homicide Case | Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania) – Lawyer Michael Kotik gets felony Homicide By Vehicle, three felonies of Aggravated assault by vehicle, and several related summary offenses withdrawn for client at preliminary hearing.
1/28/2013 (Bail | Bucks County, Pennsylvania) – Michael Kotik attorney, gets client charged with 29 charges (Identity Theft, Conspiracy, Access Devices …, Theft by Decep, Receiving Stolen Property, and Forgery) a low unsecured bail.
1/28/2013 (Gun Case | Montgomery County, Pennsylvania) – Lawyer Michael Kotik gets prosecution to withdraw Misdemeanor first degree “Proof Of License” charge for man accused of owning a gun without a license, at pre-trial conference. Client pleads to a summary offense.
1/25/2013 (Drug Case | Bucks County, Pennsylvania) – Attorney Michael Kotik gets attorney general’s office to drop felony Deal In Proc Unl Act/Intent To Promote, and felony Criminal Use Of Communication Facility at preliminary hearing, and bail is reduced to from $350,000.00 at 10%, to $100,000.00 at 10%.
1/24/2013 (Aggravated Assault | Montgomery County, PA) – Lawyer Michael Kotik gets Commonwealth to withdraw F1 Aggravated Assault charge for client at preliminary hearing. Following this successful hearing, attorney Michael Kotik was granted a bail reduction.
1/22/2013 (Simple Assault | Philadelphia, PA) – Attorney Michael Kotik gets Simple Assault, Recklessly Endangering Another Person, and Criminal Mischief charges withdrawn for New Jersey Client.
1/22/2013 (Criminal Case | Bucks County, PA) – Lawyer Michael Kotik gets client ARD who was charged with Accidents Involving Death Or Personal Injury, Accident Involv Damage Attended Vehicle/Prop., and other related summary charges.
1/15/2013 (Burglary Case | Bucks County, PA) – Attorney Michael Kotik gets client time served on an F1 burglary case, in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.
1/15/2013 (Probation Violation | Philadelphia, PA) – Lawyer Michael Kotik gets judge to lift probation detainer and terminate client’s probation in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
1/8/2013 (Motion to Reconsider Sentence) – Michael Kotik Lawyer gets judge to allow Philadelphia prisoner to be accepted for work release.
1/4/2013 (Early Parole Motion) – Attorney Michael Kotik gets client early parole from prison in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Motion Granted!
12/27/2012 (Criminal Case | Montgomery County, Pennsylvania) – Lawyer Michael Kotik gets all Felonies thrown out in a burglary case at pre-trial conference.
12/27/2012 (Bail Motion) – Michael Kotik Esq., gets bailed reduced from $100,000.00 (at 10%) to ROR in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Client released from jail that afternoon.
12/21/2012 (Bail Motion) – Attorney Michael Kotik gets bail reduced from $50,000.00 (at 10%) to $0.00 in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Client released from jail this afternoon to return to his family. (Felony Charge Bail Motion).
12/18/2012 (Criminal Case) – Philadelphia attorney Michael Kotik gets client ARD in Bucks County for a client charged with a DUI with a .147 BAC reading.
12/17/2012 (Criminal Case) – Attorney Michael Kotik, Esq. mentioned in EducationNews.org: http://www.educationnews.org/education-policy-and-politics/da-staff-disguised-as-reporters-attend-parent-press-conference/
12/14/2012 (Probation Violation | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) – Lawyer Michael Kotik gets client who violated his Philadelphia probation due to a new arrest in Bucks County, Pennsylvania out of jail.
12/12/2012 – (Probation Violation | Bucks County, Pennsylvania) – Michael Kotik lawyer in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania helps client facing 18-36 month incarceration up-state, for a probation violation, 3-6 months in a halfway house for drug treatment.
12/11/2012 – (Criminal Case) – Lawyer Michael Kotik gets Bucks County Assistant District Attorney to withdraw Felony charge at preliminary hearing for client.
12/11/2012 – (Criminal Case) – Michael Kotik Philadelphia Attorney gets ARD for man charged with resisting arrest and other related crimes, in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Furthermore, client avoids payment of any ARD fees.
12/11/2012 – (Criminal Case) – Attorney Michael Kotik gets ARD for man facing DUI charges in Bucks County, Pennsylvania; ARD with 6 months probation only.
12/11/2012 – (Criminal Case) – Lawyer Michael Kotik gets ARD for women accused for possessing drugs in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.
12/7/2012 – (Real Estate) – Michael Kotik Lawyer in Philadelphia helps elderly client PRO-BONO with problems relating to an investigation by the Philadelphia Housing Authority.
12/7/2012 – (Criminal Case) – Lawyer Michael Kotik gets judge to dismiss all DUI charges (DUI: Gen Imp/Inc of Driving Safely – 1st Off; and DUI: Highest Rte of Alc (BAC .16+) 1st Off) and at preliminary hearing in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Traffic summary offense (Dr Unregist Veh) also dismissed at preliminary hearing. Client goes home without any pending charges.
12/6/2012 – (Traffic Case) – Michael Kotik, Esq. prevents client from getting his license suspended at PennDot, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
12/5/2012 – (Criminal Case) – Lawyer Michael Kotik gets man charged with 17 misdemeanors (M1 and M2) probation in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.
11/28/2012 (Nebbia Motion) – Attorney Michael Kotik successfully argues Nebbia Motion in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Kotik was helped client’s family post bail after illustrating a legitimate source of income used for posting client’s bail.
11/27/2012 (Probation Violation Case) – Michael Kotik Lawyer in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania gets client who was sentenced to several years of probation, and who after several days following his sentencing got arrested on new charges resulting in a direct violation and a possible 6 month sentence, work release, in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.
11/26/2012 (Criminal Case) – Lawyer Michael Kotik gets Judge to discharge a charge of Criminal Mischief in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at trial. Client walks away with zero charges.
11/21/2012 (Criminal Case) – Michael Kotik lawyer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania gets Commonwealth to withdraw charges of felony Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop, and felony Receiving Stolen Property during a preliminary hearing in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.
11/20/2012 (Criminal Case) – Philadelphia lawyer Michael Kotik gets client ARD in Bucks County for a client charged with a DUI with a .149 BAC reading.
11/19/2012 (Criminal Case) – Attorney Michael Kotik gets client charged with a 2nd Offense DUI in Winslow, New Jersey minimal sentence without jail.
11/16/2012 (Criminal Case / Appeal) – Lawyer Michael Kotik gets Judge in Monmouth County, New Jersey to find client not guilty of 4 charges by way of an appeal. Client avoids excessive fines and a 40 day jail sentence.
11/16/2012 (Criminal Case) – Michael Kotik attorney at law, helps client avoid license suspension for a second charge of underage drinking, in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.
11/15/2012 (Criminal Case) – Attorney Michael Kotik gets Commonwealth to withdraw charges of Identity Theft, Forgery, Theft by Unlawful Taking, Theft by Decep., Receiving Stolen Property, Bad Checks, and Secure Execution Docs by Deception at preliminary hearing in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; allowing client to have zero charges with relation to this matter.
10/23/2012 (Criminal Case) – Lawyer Michael Kotik gets district attorney to with draw charges of Int Poss Contr Subst By Per Not Reg, Marijuana-Small Amt Personal Use, Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph, Disregard Traffic Lane (Single), Careless Driving, DUI: Controlled Substance – Schedule 1 – 1st Offense, and DUI: Controlled Substance – Metabolite – 1st Offense in a case set for trial in Chester County, Pennsylvania.
10/19/2012 (Criminal Case) – Michael Kotik Attorney in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania gets client charged with Simple Assault min. sentence allowed based on guidelines by way of an open plea, in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.
10/18/2012 (Criminal Case) – Lawyer Michael Kotik, prevents client from having a violation of her probation, and at the same hearing gets client’s probation terminated, in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.
10/15/2012 (Criminal Case) – Michael Kotik Lawyer in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania gets client charged with Simple Assault, Resisting Arrest, and Harassment, a sentence of 9 months probation on an open plea, in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.
10/09/2012 (Criminal Case) – Attorney Michael Kotik gets judge to dismiss charges of Poss Instrument Of Crime W/Int, Simple Assault, and Recklessly Endangering Another Person at trial, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
10/04/2012 (Criminal Case) – Michael Kotik Attorney, gets prosecution to withdraw two felonies of Retail Theft-Take Mdse, and three misdemeanors of Receiving Stolen Property at preliminary hearing, in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.
10/02/2012 (Criminal Case) – Lawyer Michael Kotik gets client charged with Aggravated Assault, Poss Instrument Of Crime W/Int., Terroristic Threats W/ Int To Terrorize Another, Simple Assault, and Recklessly Endangering Another Person accepted into the ARD program in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
9/20/2012 (Criminal Case) – Lawyer Michael Kotik gets client accused of retail theft community service in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.
9/8/2012 (Criminal Case) – Lawyer Michael Kotik wins motion to stay sentence in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Client avoids having to turn himself in on 9/8/2012 for a 30 day sentence.
9/5/2012 (Criminal Case) – Attorney Michael Kotik gets bucks district attorney’s office to consolidate two DUI’s for client into two first offenses, avoiding serious jail time for the client. Furthermore, attorney Michael Kotik gets Resisting Arrest, and Disorderly Conduct charges dropped for client.
8/22/2012 (Criminal Case) – Attorney Michael Kotik goes to trial and gets prosecution to withdraw all charges including Manufacture, Delivery, or Possession w/ intent to Manufacture or Deliver; In Poss Contr Subst By Per Not Reg; Poss of Marijuana; and Use/Pos of Drug Paraph.
8/16/2012 (Criminal Case) – Michael Kotik gets client accused of underage drinking community service in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.
8/15/2012 (Criminal Case) – Attorney Michael Kotik gets prosecution to withdraw resisting arrest charge at preliminary hearing.
8/9/2012 (Contract Law) – Legal Philly teams gets a civil judgment vacated in Mt. Holly, New Jersey.
7/30/2012 (Real Estate Law) – Attorney Michael Kotik wins case by illustrating improper jurisdiction.
7/25/2012 (Criminal Case) – Attorney Michael Kotik gets prosecutor in Delaware county to withdraw Simple Assault and Reckless Endangerment misdemeanors.
7/23/2012 (Criminal Case) – Attorney Michael Kotik, gets Theft By Unlaw Taking-Movable Prop, Theft By Decep-False Impression, Theft By Decep-False Impression, and Theft By Fail To Make Req Disp Funds charges withdrawn at Preliminary Hearing.
7/18/2012 (Criminal Case) – Attorney Michael Kotik gets prosecution to withdraw: Robbery, Conspiracy, Possession of Firearm Prohibited, Firearms Not To Be Carried w/o a License; Theft, Receiving Stolen Property, Carry Fire Arms in Phila, Poss Instrument of Crime w/In,; Terroristic Threats, simple assault, and recklessly endangering another person at the preliminary hearing.
7/12/2012 (Criminal Case) – Attorney Michael Kotik Esq. gets Simple Assault. Terroristic Threats, and Recklessly Endangering Another Person charges dismissed at preliminary hearing in Delaware County, Pennsylvania.
7/9/2012 (Criminal Case) – Michael Kotik Esq., gets prosecution to withdraw Aggravated Assault, Simple Assault, and Reckless Endangerment charges in Philadelphia, at preliminary hearing. Client goes home with zero charges against him!
7/3/2012 (Criminal Case) – LegalPhilly.com lawyers get guilty verdict vacated, client resentenced to community service with no record.
6/28/2012 (Criminal Case) – Attorney Michael Kotik gets client charged with possessing narcotics and drug paraphernalia community service with section 17 probation.
6/20/2012 (Criminal Case) – Attorney Michael Kotik gets client charged with a DUI, ARD without license suspension in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
6/13/2012 (Criminal Case) – Lawyer Michael Kotik helps client avoid jail sentence for Driving without a license / license suspension DUI in Berks County, Pennsylvania.
6/4/2012 (Criminal Case) – Attorney Michael Kotik gets client a reduced sentence below the guidelines in an open plea in Delaware County, Pennsylvania.
5/17/2012 (Criminal Case) – Michael Kotik Esq., gets client over 30 charges withdrawn in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania in a gift card fraud case, at the preliminary hearing.
5/17/2012 (Criminal Case) – Michael Kotik, Esq., gets clients community service for theft from a Philadelphia Walmart.
5/8/2012 (Criminal Case) – Michael Kotik gets Receiving Stolen Property Charge reduced to a Municipal Ordinance Violation in Jackson Township, New Jersey.
4/23/2012 (Criminal Case) – Lawyer Michael Kotik gets detainer lifted in CFCF for Philadelphia client; Gag I Hearing!
4/09/2012 (Estate Law) – Attorney Michael Kotik gets Bucks County Judge to grant client guardianship of an incapacitated person.
4/03/2012 (Criminal Case) – Lawyer Michael Kotik, successfully argues probation violation in Delaware county, client goes home!
3/27/2012 (Criminal Case) – Lawyer Michael Kotik, gets detainer lifted in CFCF for Philadelphia client.
3/16/2012 (Criminal Case) – Michael Kotik, Esq. gets simple assault charge dismissed at preliminary hearing, in Upper Darby, Pennsylvania.
3/5/2012 (Criminal Case) – Attorney Michael Kotik gets Judge to dismiss all charges (Theft By Unlawful Taking, Receiving Stolen Property, Conspiracy, and Unauthorized Use of Auto) for Philly client at preliminary hearing.
2/27/2012 (Criminal Case) – Michael Kotik gets Theft Charges Dismissed in Hamilton, New Jersey.
2/24/2012 (Criminal Case) – Attorney Michael Kotik gets Simple Assault, Terroristic Threats, Disorderly Conduct, and Reckless Endangerment charges dismissed in Berks County.
2/22/2012 (Criminal Case) – Attorney Michael Kotik gets Disorderly Conduct Charge dismissed for client in Philadelphia.
2/08/2012 (Criminal Case) – Attorney Michael Kotik makes the news: http://www.pressofatlanticcity.com/news/breaking/millville-man-pleads-not-guilty-to-killing-buena-resident/article_39d3ec88-51c1-11e1-baad-001871e3ce6c.html
1/2012 (Criminal Case) – Michael Kotik, Esq. gets Simple Assault charge dismissed in New Jersey, client maintains clean record!
1/2012 (Criminal Case) – Michael Kotik, Esq. helps Bucks County man avoid possible jail sentence in a domestic violence matter.
12/2011 (Criminal Case) – Legalphilly gets petition for early parole granted, incarcerated Philadelphia man will be going home to his family.
Our Location

1518 Walnut Street
Suite 807
Philadelphia, PA 19102

8510 Bustleton Ave,
1st Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19152

33 E. Marshall Street
First Floor
Norristown, PA 19401

2 Park Lane Suite
Suite 107
Feasterville PA 19053

1518 Walnut Street
Ste 808
Philadelphia, PA 19102